We source our coffee from cooperatives of farmers from around the world- from Honduras to Ethiopia, Indonesia to Papua New Guinea. Purchasing many tonnes of coffee every year, we are very aware of our responsibility to preserve the well-being of our farming communities and natural resources.

One of our closest farming relationships is with Omar Rodriguez, from the Capucas Cooperative in South West Honduras. Over the years, we’ve got to know Omar pretty well, with visits to his farm and visits by Omar to our stores in Dublin. By talking direct, and seeing first hand, we ‘re clear about the positive impact that our approach to coffee has had.

In 1999, Omar Rodriguez, a coffee farmer from the community of Capucas, wanted to share his knowledge about growing and marketing coffee with his fellow local farmers. Together, they founded the Cooperativa Cafelatera Capucas Limitada (COCAFCAL). Omar shares the community’s vision to grow better quality coffee while protecting the delicate environment of the Celaque National Park in which they live. He’s also been instrumental in building capacity in the community through their Fairtrade premium programme

Capucas are very aware of the need to grow coffee sustainably to protect and preserve the natural habitat which is why they provide training and technical assistance to farmers. The photo shows how coffee is grown beneath shade trees to create an ideal microclimate for coffee plants that eliminates the need for chemicals to be used. To further assist farmers in adopting sustainable farming, the cooperative has started producing its own organic fertilizer which makes use of the by-products from coffee processing.

Omar with Tony McVerry our Managing Director for Ireland visiting our cafes in Dublin, meeting our Café Partners, their teams and customers, sharing his knowledge, and experience of Fairtrade Organic coffee, and how it provides the best result for everyone involved.